Contact us

There are loads of ways to get in touch, so there’s no reason to wait.

Get in touch

White Gables Dental Practice
96 Conway Road
Colwyn Bay
LL29 7LE

Get directions

Call: 01492 532554
Mon-Thu 8:30-5:00 / Fri 8:30-4:00 (excluding bank holidays)
Outside these hours, you’re welcome to leave us a message.


How can we help?

In an emergency

During normal opening hours, just contact the practice so we can help.

That number again: 01492 532554
Mon-Thu 8:30-5:00 / Fri 8:30-4:00 (excluding bank holidays)

If you need treatment outside these hours, still contact us… a recorded message will give you the information you’ll need to get in touch with an on-call dentist.

Alternatively, NHS 111 offer out of hours care.

Visit: 111
Call: 111

Help in an emergency

First visit?

You’ll need to complete a questionnaire about your health and any medication you take, we will send you a link to your patient portal for you to fill this in at your leisure.

Or, if you like, you can download, complete and print our medical questionnaire at home. Just remember to bring it along to your appointment. Failing this, you can always come in a little earlier if you want to fill it in at the practice.

Can’t make it?

If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance (earlier if it follows a weekend/bank holiday).

We reserve the right to charge a fee to cover surgery costs if you contact us too late, or don’t get in touch at all, so it’s worth picking up the phone early: 01492 532554

If you miss an appointment without letting us know we will charge a non-refundable deposit to secure any further appointments.

Invite a friend

If you’ve been impressed with the service you received at White Gables Dental Practice and you know someone who’d benefit from a visit, we’d appreciate you recommending us.


Speak to us

We’re always looking for ways to improve our service and, if you have any thoughts, we’d be happy to hear them. Similarly, if you’re dissatisfied with an aspect of your treatment, or the care you’ve received, please speak to us.

As you’d expect, we have a patient complaints procedure we’re happy to share, but we’d hope to resolve any issues without things getting to that stage. We’ll deal with any complaints courteously and professionally – we certainly wouldn’t let any comments you have affect our future relationship with you.

You’ll find our contact details at the top of this page.

Work at White Gables

We’re a neat little team of dental professionals, but as time rolls along, occasionally people take a new path. If there’s an opening for a super-skilled new member of the White Gables team, you’ll find details on our careers page.

Don’t bite your tongue

We pride ourselves on being a helpful bunch, so ask any questions you’ve got using this enquiry form.

We usually respond by email, but if it’s a particularity tricky subject, we might give you a call instead.

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